The salon style open studio

I write this is retrospective, in October of 2024.

This event was special to me- I really opened up for the first time and showed much of my work. Having moved back to New Orleans a few months earlier, and unpacking my paintings, I wanted to see them all up on the walls. Not just what was recent, but also pieces from the past 9 years since i had started painting.

Annie and I love the excuse to have a party too, This one we were proud to feature the “narnia bar”- a window in the wall of the gallery to a closet- where a bartender sat and served out Hot toddy’s and hot Chocolate.

I unfortunately didn’t take any photos of this install! the only images I have are from the pre-opening krewe hangout, which you can see below.

luckily I am not totally without documentation- As a talented videographer Zachary Kanzler took footage and edited a video of the event which can also be found below.


liked the video? Check out Zachary’s Work

